This romantic-comedy movie is about a young woman, portrayed by Jodi, from the province who dreams of a better life for her family. Yap, who is popularly known for portraying Papa Chen in TV series "My Binondo Girl," plays Mr. Lim, a rich widower.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Jodi Sta. Maria and Papa Chen's "Be Careful With My Heart"
The first team up of Jodi Sta. Maria and Richard Yap (Papa Chen in My Binondo Girl) comes a romantic comedy series "Be careful With My Heart" that will be premiered this coming July as one of the lineups of afternoon soaps. This is directed by Jeffrey Jeturian and Mervyn Brondial, with co-stars Jerome Perez, Janella Salvador and Mutya Orquia.
This romantic-comedy movie is about a young woman, portrayed by Jodi, from the province who dreams of a better life for her family. Yap, who is popularly known for portraying Papa Chen in TV series "My Binondo Girl," plays Mr. Lim, a rich widower.
The music video played in the series is entitled "Please Be careful With My Heart" originally sang by Regine Velasquez and Jose Mari Chan.
This romantic-comedy movie is about a young woman, portrayed by Jodi, from the province who dreams of a better life for her family. Yap, who is popularly known for portraying Papa Chen in TV series "My Binondo Girl," plays Mr. Lim, a rich widower.
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